Thursday, 20 October 2011

Strong and weak points of adobe creative suite

I first started Photoshop back in school, but with no real objective to what I was doing I got easily distracted with other things, so I didn’t really start to learn until college when I did my national diploma in graphic design, there I learned various skills with the software and now know how to use it to its full potential. From various things such as masking, quick masking, filters, cropping, clone stamping, spot healing, magic wanding, quick selecting, magnetic lasso tool, colour levels such as HUE , CMYK and RGB can also be edited in any image.
Z- thread experiment (picture to be inserted at a later date)
I used Photoshop in this piece to a very minimalist level because I was rather happy with the photograph I had taken and only did slight changes that include:
·         Sharpening of the image, this is a very simple thing to do all I did was went to filters at the top of the screen then selected sharpen, you will then be presented with a window and from this you can mess around with different levels of sharpness until you get your desired effect.
·         Cropping an image in Photoshop is possibly the most simple thing you can do. It consists of selecting the crop tool then it’s a matter of clicking and dragging until you have the select area you wish to crop, don’t worry if you don’t get it first time you can drag the anchors at the edge of the selected box.
Photoshop is a great piece of software to edit photographs and images in, its not the greatest for typography as in when you start to resize it because it gets stretched, distorted and pixelated really easily, so I find it best when adding type to a image move it over to Indesign and add the type to a permanent placement, but making sure it is saved under a different file name just in case you may want to change it.
Mario photomontage
For this I did a project on a game, and I chose to use the iconic Mario. It is a game that was big hit to the world of gaming. It is now a classic and one of the all time greatest games. So I chose to do the photomontage of all the characters from the games series. First I chose a suitable back drop (clouds in the sky) then I cropped the image to size using the crop tool and then messed with the colour levels to brighten the blue of the sky and that was all for the background.
Magic want tool was a vital aspect of this project as I used it to cut out all the characters from there original background, all you do is select the magic wand tool select the area of solid colour that you don’t want around the character and deleted them.  Providing I had rasterised the layer previously ( to raserise a later right click then select raserise.
I would like to improve some more in illustrator making vector graphics with the pen tool and messing with anchor points and then moving it over to Photoshop to tweak with the colour.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Artist research creative practice (Christel Assante)

Christel Assante

Christel does sculpting out of possubly the most delicat materials possable, Egg shells. she uses dentist drills to be very precise and then thickens the shell (after a cautious clean) with colourless varnish, after that it is given patina, and then painted and varnished further to obtain a thick reinfirced layer. I realy like the intricate designs and how eligant she is in her working practices.

Christel Assante - egg carvingChristel Assante - egg carving
thease are pictures of the egg shells being created. first the dental tool carving, then the varnishing/painting.

Carving on quail egg-shells - Christel Assante - Franceegg carving - Christel Assanteegg carving - Christel Assanteegg carving - Christel Assante

Artist research Creative Practice (Tamas Balla)

Tamás Balla
Is in my opinion one of the gratest food sculptors of all time, this is because he combines great skill and precision with a comical/animated twist and the way he presents them is so cartefully thought about, i found it hard to find the information i wanted because he is from budapest therefor most of the information is not english. but i think that the work doesnt need words to explain how brilliant it is.


I also found some contact details

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Project proposal

In my digital image manipulation project i plan to rebrand a company, including a; logo, letterhead, buisness card, contact sheet and website.
i will be using various software to create all the different pices of my work an example of this would be:

Photoshop - i will be using photoshop to crop, transform, colour and fine tune my designs using the wide range of toolslke the magic want, magnetic laso tool, guick selection, spot healing, clone stamping and also using the different levels of colour to acheave the precise colour i want.

Illustrator- i will be using illustraor to create the backbone of my design, using mostly the pen tool, i will create a basic outline and a solid colour

Indesign - i will be using indesign for my type piece of my work, as i find this program to have the widest variety of typeface and is brilliant for layout also.

i am not sure what company i will be rebranding just yet, but i will edit my post as soon as i know